Admission 2024-25 going on.

Main Campus: West Bhubanban, P.O- West Bhubanban,
Agartala, Tripura West - 799002

City Campus: 10, Jail Road Math Chowmuhani
Agartala, Tripura West – 799007


+91 9436123015

Founder Message

Dr. Brindaban Bihari Das Kathia Baba

Welcome to Swami Dhananjoy Das Kathiababa Mission College, Agartala. 'Education is a dynamic and a neverending process‘. With the legacy of our educational journey in Tripura this college is an extended version of our Primary & Higher Secondary School. In this era of technological advancements & rapid changing world, our college will provide you a perfect platform for quality education & methodologies to form a profound character based learning. In order to achieve success one must give utmost importance in shaping their character which is the backbone of being a good human being. Now the question arrives, Why is the formation of a good character considered so important? Well! Let me tell you a story, “Once upon a time there lived a king. He loved his kingdom & the people of his kingdom dearly. People said that he was a man of words. There was a huge market in the kingdom where people sold & bought their essentials. One fine morning, the king went to the market on his own. After reaching the market he promised that he will buy all the items that would remain unsold at the end of the day. So as per his words, the king visited the market at the end of the day. He saw that one poor seller was unable to sell one idol. That idol was none but an idol of misfortune (commonly known as ‘Olokkhi'. No one bought that idol. So as a man of his words, and to keep his promise, the king agreed to buy that idol. As he said, he has to keep his word otherwise he might be treated as a king who gives false statements. To keep the Truth remain unbroken he bought that ‘Olokkhi murti' & brought it to his palace.

When he entered his palace, everyone started complaining, about why did the king buy an idol of misfortune. The king kept silent & only uttered he had to follow the path of the Truth. Now hearing this no one accepted his deed. You know who these ‘everyone’ who started complaining? They no one other than wealth, prosperity, good deeds, donations, character & truth. They all wanted to leave the king even after staying with him for several years. The king did not say anything to any of them except the truth. He said in a very soft voice to truth that, “ I never disrespect you. To keep my word what I said, I have bought this. Do you think I am fake?” Hearing this, Truth couldn’t say anything & hold king’s hand more tight. After seeing this, Wealth, Prosperity, Good deed, Donations, Character returned back to the king again.

So, now can you understand the value of being on the right path, path of truth & honesty? If you rely on truth, you can achieve every good!

My good wishes to everyone. May God bless you all!

Warm Regards,
